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Sunday, June 22, 2008

What's up with cars at SFO?

Renting a car at SFO this week has been a tough gig. Not sure what's going on.

When renting cars in general, I modify Hertz's slogan a bit to: There's Hertz, there's the "Avis" of car renting, Avis, and then there's everyone else. Actually, Budget's FastBreak program isn't too bad.

This week I had to drop down to Enterprise, no other agency had *any* cars at SFO - should be interesting to see how this pans out. I'm more worried about having to wait in the line after getting off the plane for an hour since there's no walk-directly-to-the-car and drive away option for Enterprise (for me).

At least it's not Thrifty.

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